Aug 17, 2018

Introduction to SELinux: Don't let complexity scare you If SELinux were installed and in enforcing mode, access to this file would be denied because the SELinux policy would prevent it (since these files are of the wrong type for Apache to access). 6.5.6 Troubleshooting SELinux - MySQL Troubleshooting SELinux typically involves placing SELinux into permissive mode, rerunning problematic operations, checking for access denial messages in the SELinux audit log, and placing SELinux back into enforcing mode after problems are resolved.

SELinux/Tutorials/How SELinux controls file and directory

Monitoring System Logs /var/log/dmesg This Log file Contains The Kernel Messages That Were Raised During The Boot Process. /var/log/messages This is the standard system log file, which contains the messages from the system softwares, non-kernel boot issues & messages that go to the dmesg. Readable By root Only.

SELinux/Tutorials/How SELinux controls file and directory

Apr 24, 2014